We're Expecting!

From the previous post you know we are expecting our second child late January and that our first pregnancy was not normal. This pregnancy a lot more complications have arisen. From the beginning of this pregnancy, I had a bad feeling. I was excited about having another baby but just had this feeling I could not shake.

In the middle of May we found out we we're expecting our second child. Before we even found out, I went on an interview for my current workplace. Late May I was offered a position at the company and so we had to make a choice of me leaving my old job that required lots of travel or a job offering no travel but a drive that was further from home but it was a medical device company which is where I wanted to be since I went to school for Biomedical Engineering. We also had to think about health insurance and me not being able to qualify for FMLA due to not being at the company for 1 year. In the end, I knew if I didn't change jobs now I never would and we took the risk.

During my last month at my old company, I started experiencing heavy bleeding and cramping with the pregnancy. During my first OB, an ultrasound was scheduled right away to see what was going on. Turns out I had lots of bleeding in my uterus so doctor told me to practice pelvic rest to see if that would help and diagnosed me with the potential of having a spontaneous miscarriage. The ultrasound tech and doctor questioned my due date already because it was not lining up with my last menstrual period. The fetus was measuring 1.5 weeks behind but gave me a new due date of February 1st. After the first appointment, a repeat ultrasound was ordered for one week later to check up. My second ultrasound it showed that the blood was clearing up and the doctor was happy about the results and told me to continue pelvic rest until my bleeding had stopped for seven continuous days. The seven days came and went and we were happy to still be pregnant.

At eleven weeks, the doctor was able to find the heartbeat on my stomach which is usually difficult to do. I was relieved to hear the heartbeat because even though the bleeding stopped, I was still cramping and nauseous but only at night. I never actually physically got sick at this point, I was just nauseous and didn't really eat dinner most nights. I was also not gaining weight but not dramatically losing weight either.

During my 15 week appointment, the doctor prescribed me Diclegis since I had an increase in nausea and vomiting in the second trimester that is supposed to diminish. She found my increase in nausea and vomiting unusual at this stage but protein in my urine came back negative and blood pressure was normal. My thyroid medication needed adjustment from my levels being low due, but other than that they said everything was fine. I still had this feeling in my gut that something was not right.

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